why am i dizzy

why am i dizzy?

Dizziness is also known as dizziness, is a subjective feeling abnormal. Can be divided into two categories: one for the rotation of vertigo, mostly by the vestibular nervous system and cerebellar dysfunction caused by the feeling of dumping, feel their own shaking or rotation of the scene. Two for the general halo, caused by some systemic diseases, dizziness, the main feeling, feel the top ten feet.

Classification and common diseases
Dizziness is a common symptom, not an independent disease. Therefore, we can cause dizziness of the disease classified description, so that everyone on the "dizziness" have a deeper understanding.
1. Rotational vertigo by its cause can be divided into peripheral vertigo and central vertigo two categories.
(1) peripheral vertigo: refers to the inner ear lost or vestibular nerve lesions caused by vertigo. Common in Meniere's disease, Melanosis, drug-induced vertigo (caused by streptomycin or gentamicin) and vestibular neuritis.
(2) central vertigo: refers to the brain stem, cerebellum, brain and spinal cord lesions caused by vertigo. Common in the vertebral - basilar artery insufficiency, intracranial tumors, intracranial infection, multiple sclerosis, vertigo epilepsy and traumatic vertigo and so on.

2. General vertigo
(1) cardiac dizziness: common in arrhythmia, cardiac dysfunction and so on.
(2) pulmonary vertigo: can be seen in a variety of causes of pulmonary insufficiency.
(3) eye-catching vertigo: common in refractive errors, fundus arteriosclerosis, bleeding and ophthalmoplegia.
(4) blood pressure vertigo: high blood pressure or low blood pressure can cause dizziness.
(5) Other: anemia, cervical spondylosis, acute fever, gastroenteritis, endocrine disorders and neurosis can cause dizziness
1. An elderly people with dizziness, fatigue, pale performance, should go to the hospital to check to see if anemia. If the elderly do not pay attention to nutrition and health care, it is easy to suffer from anemia. In addition, indigestion, peptic ulcer, gastrointestinal bleeding and chronic inflammatory diseases in elderly patients can be secondary to anemia. 2. Blood viscosity high blood lipids, thrombocytosis, etc. can make high blood viscosity, slow blood flow, resulting in brain blood supply, prone to fatigue, dizziness, fatigue and other symptoms. Which cause a lot of high blood lipids, the most important is the usual diet and discord. 3. Cerebral arteriosclerosis patients consciously dizziness, and often insomnia, tinnitus, emotional instability, forgetfulness, limb numbness. Cerebral arteriosclerosis to make the blood vessel smaller diameter, brain blood flow, resulting in cerebral blood supply, lack of oxygen, causing dizziness. 4. Cervical spondylosis often appear tight neck, flexibility is limited, occasional pain, fingers numb, cold, have a heavy feeling. Cervical hyperplasia squeeze the neck vertebral artery, resulting in cerebral insufficiency, is the main cause of dizziness caused by the disease. 5. Hypertensive patients with hypertension in addition to dizziness, but also often accompanied by head swelling, palpitation, irritability, tinnitus, insomnia and discomfort. 6. Heart disease early coronary heart disease, some people may feel headache, dizziness, limb weakness, the spirit is not easy to focus and so on. Mainly due to cardiac coronary atherosclerosis, resulting in insufficient blood supply caused by dizziness. 1. the best solution for dizziness or prevention. The elderly should be regular blood pressure, heart sounds, heart rhythm, and blood, blood lipids, blood viscosity, EEG, cerebral blood flow, neck x-ray and other checks, take preventive measures.
Treatment of dizziness

method one: 
Egg red sugar treatment dizziness
Soybean oil appropriate amount of pot heat, the two eggs, 30 grams of brown sugar (put a little water to stir) into the pot fry, empty stomach, and even served 10 days. To consolidate the effect, but also more than a few days.

Method Two: 
Fence medicine treatment dizziness
With Chinese herbal fence 25 grams, with a shell of eggs, 50 grams of rice, boiled gruel, add appropriate amount of oil, salt, monosodium glutamate seasoning. After cooking, to fence slag and eggshell, 2 times a day eating porridge and eggs, the general continuous consumption of 3 days, dizziness, headache, the symptoms that have improved significantly. This medicine is not only sweet and delicious, can treat dizziness, headache, but also has an antihypertensive effect.

Method 3:
Duck egg red beans dizziness
Duck a, red beans 20, stir well steamed, morning fasting service, once a day, once every 7 days with special effects

Method 4:
Trees are dizzy
Prunella vulgaris 25 grams, raw white peony root 15 grams, 20 grams of raw Eucommia, Scutellaria 10 grams.
Usage: Xian Jian before 3 herbs, into the 3 tea cup of water, boil for 30 minutes, from the fire to win down, pause and then add the bait, fry 5 minutes Serve, every morning and evening service 1 times. After the service can feel the first light eyes, no other side effects.

Method 5:
Chrysanthemum treatment dizziness
Chrysanthemum function blood pressure, eyesight detoxification, treatment of dizziness, headache, tinnitus dizzy, can make urine long. Hypertension can be used chrysanthemum pillow, the woman liver dampness caused dizziness, night irritability can not sleep to help. Wild chrysanthemum can be added to the orange oranges, mung bean shell or through the grass silk, dried cold into the pillow bag and then seam can be.

Method 6:
Jasmine stewed eggs
With black cloth blindfolded eyes rest, breakfast eat stew partridge and jasmine stew eggs.

Method 7:
Movement dizziness
A recent study shows that often dizziness of the elderly, just continue to carry out some simple, easy exercise, the situation can be greatly improved.
University of Southampton University psychologist Johnny in the latest issue of "Medical Yearbook" published in his research report, said exercise therapy can reduce the symptoms of chronic vertigo and physical discomfort, and exercise therapy began earlier, the effect will be better, The ideal is to start immediately after the first occurrence of dizziness.
She said that dizziness is a common situation, usually caused by the problem of the inner ear, but it will cause great inconvenience to the sick, especially the elderly, such as easy to fall, or fear of falling rather than going out Can not live independently. At present, doctors in addition to the sick to provide some limited prescription drugs, there are few other methods of treatment of vertigo. In fact, some simple exercise, such as the eye, head, body movement can treat dizziness, and do not need any equipment, everyone can do, but the doctor is usually not introduced to the patient.
She led a study of seventy-seven patients with an average age of sixty and often dizziness, divided into two groups, who were either trained by exercise or general medical care; They run for half a day. After a few weeks, the nurse meets each patient twice, advises and strengthens the confidence; then tests the condition of each patient at full three months and six months.
After three months, two-thirds of the exercise team members had a significant improvement in dizziness, and only one-third of the "standard care group" improved after six months.
Jenny said the patients in the exercise group had more incentives to participate in dizziness treatment, so they were very willing to do head movement every day. She said that as long as the patient really experience the benefits and disadvantages of exercise, can help them continue to do dizziness treatment.
