why do we yawn

Why do we yawn? We all know tired, bored, or see other people yawning will bring almost impossible to stop the impulse - but this behavior on the body in the end what role? In the late 80s of the last century, Pleasant began to study the so-called "entertainment science" (chasmology, a word derived from the Greek "entertainment"), once wrote: "yawn an annoying feature is, although ordinary, we are Know it very little. "Almost 30 years have passed, we may soon find an answer. But the answer to the study area into two factions.
Is the contagious yawn in order to ensure that we go to bed at the same time? Source: bbc.com

A controversial argument is that the Greek physician Hippocrates, who was close to 2,500 years ago, was the first person to study yawn. He thought that yawn would help to discharge the gas, especially when he was hot. "Like a lot of steam when the water ran out from the pot, the body temperature increased, the body of the gas will be concentrated from the mouth of the discharge." He wrote. The different interpretations of this idea continued until the 19th century. At that time scientists put forward yawn is the aid of breathing - a lot of oxygen into the blood, while driving away the carbon dioxide. If this is true, you should see that as the oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations in the air change, the frequency of yawning is also high or low. However, when Proven asked volunteers to breathe the different components of the gas, he did not observe this change.

Many theories are concerned about the peculiarities of the peculiarities - I feel deeply about this fact when I talk to Proin. "About 50% of people will be yawning when they see someone yawning." He said, "it's infectious to anything that's related to it ... to see or hear someone yawn or even read To the text of yawn. "For this reason, some researchers suspect that yawn is not some sort of original form of communication - if so, what is the message it conveys? When we yawned, we usually feel tired, so the idea is that yawn helps everyone to adjust the biological clock to the same rhythm. "In my opinion, the most likely signal function is to help synchronize the behavior of a social group - letting everyone sleep at the same time," says Christian Hess of the University of Bern, Switzerland. With a common timetable, groups can work together at higher efficiency throughout the day.

Danario Alexander of San Diego Chargers yawned before an American football match. Source: bbc.com

However, we will yawn when we are under pressure: athletes of the Olympic Games tend to do that before the game, and the musicians sometimes yield to the impulse before the concert. So some researchers, including Proven, believe that this warm exercise may have a more unusual effect: to restart the brain - you sleep when you wake up, or you distracted when you focus on the time. Through the spread within the group, infectious yawn can help everyone achieve the same level of attention, so that they are more vigilant against the threat. The mechanism is somewhat vague, but the French researcher Olivier Walusinski suggests that yawning may cause cerebrospinal fluid to circulate around the brain, triggering changes in neural activity.

There are so many competing and even contradictory ideas, a theory of yawn of the united theory seems to be far away in the horizon. But in recent years, people have discovered an inner mechanism, and perhaps have the potential to strangle all of these obvious contradictory theories. Andrew Gallup, now at the University of New York at the University of Ononta, was the first to figure out the idea when he was aware that yawn could help cool the brain and prevent it from overheating. The strenuous movement of the jaws drives the blood to flow in the skull, and he suggests that the discharge of excess calories is promoted while deep breathing takes cold air into the sinus cavity and into the carotid artery around the brain. In addition, the violent exercise can flexion and extension sinus mucosa - incitement and air flow through the lumen, and this wind should cause mucus evaporation, like air conditioning to the head to cool.

The most obvious test method is to look at the different temperatures in the possibility of yawning there is no difference. Under normal conditions, Galepp found that about 48% of people had the risk of yawning, but when he asked them to cold their forehead, only 9% of people yawned. Braining through the nostrils can also cool the brain, and the effect is even better, the study of the object of yawn impulse completely inhibited - this may be in every boring conversation facing embarrassing people to provide a convenient technique.

Yawn can inspire your brain? Source: bbc.com

Perhaps the most powerful evidence comes from two ladies who have been haunted by yawn. Shortly after Galepp published his findings for the first time, they had contact with him. Both are seeking ways to relieve pathological haze attacks, and their episodes sometimes last for an hour. "This episode will make people extremely tired and disrupt all the basic activities." Gallup said: "They both can only go away to a no one area - this affects their personal and professional life." "Interestingly, one of the ladies found the only way to stop yawn is to throw yourself into cold water. Inspired by this, Galep asked them to put the thermometer into the mouth before and after the attack. Unexpectedly, he observed a slight warming before the yawn, and the attack stopped at a temperature drop of 37 degrees Celsius.

It is important that many seemingly contradictory events that lead to yawn may be based on this brain cooling function. For example, our body temperature before going to bed and just wake up will naturally rise. Slightly cooling the brain may also make us more alert - awakening us when we are bored. Through the legend, the contagious yawn can thus help the whole group to concentrate.

Does this picture make you want to yawn? Source: bbc.com

Galepp's theory of unification in the yawn of the researchers which caused a certain controversy. "Galepp's team did not provide any evidence of support for its theory." Hess said. In particular, critics point out that he did not directly measure the temperature changes in the brain, although Galepp said he found the expected temperature fluctuation in the yawning mice. But Proven is more active in this theory - he believes that this may be one of the ways to help the brain change state and focus level.

Even if Gallip finally discovered the theory of this unification, many secrets were still to be solved. Such as the fetus in the womb why should yawn?

Perhaps they are only practicing life after birth, or yawning has played a more active role in guiding the growth of the body - such as helping the occlusal development of the jaw joint, or promoting the growth of the lungs, Proven said. If that is the case, Pruven pointed out that the role of yawning in the womb may be more important than in adults.

Pruven also pointed out that yawn - and perhaps other body functions such as sneezing - had a strange connection with sex. The facial expressions of the two are strikingly similar - look at this picture and you can see what he has just experienced.

Like sex, yawn and sneeze have a pleasure to accumulate and end with a climax. "Once you start, they're going to be perfect - you do not want to be yawned." Prove says. For these reasons, he is suspicious of these different feelings behind whether the hidden common neural mechanism. "Nature will not invent the wheels twice," he said. As evidence, he pointed out that some antidepressants will cause some patients to reach orgasm when yawning - a rare side effect that will be very attractive.

In the end, it turned out that the yawn of my conversation with Proven was too hard to resist. It was a warm summer, so it was possible that my yawn was in the process of preventing my brain from overheating during our exciting conversation. No matter what role it played, the ultimate relief is basically worthy of waiting before the pain.

I bet you've been yawned until now, as pointed out by Proven, reading and even thinking that yawning is enough to hook out the real yawn. So do not be simmered, hit it - and remember that you are enjoying one of the most lasting secrets of life.
